Digital and Interactive Media
The students will be working on Adobe Dreamweaver Lesson 9 “Working with Navigation” and Lesson 10 ” Adding Interactivity”. In Lesson 9, the students will be creating a text link to a page within the same site, creating a link to a page on another site, creating an email link, creating an image-based link, and creating a Spry navigation menu. In Lesson 10, they will learn to use Dreamweaver behaviors to create an image rollover effect and insert a Spry Accordion widget.
The students will be introduced to Adobe Dreamweaver.
TEKS – 1A-I, 2A-D, 3A-C, 4A-C, 5A-G, 6A-E, 7A-D, 8A-B, 9A-F, 10A-F, 11A-C, 12A-B, 13A-D
Activity – The students will be working on Adobe Dreamweaver Lesson 9 “Working with Navigation” and Lesson 10 ” Adding Interactivity”. In Lesson 9, the students will be creating a text link to a page within the same site, creating a link to a page on another site, creating an email link, creating an image-based link, and creating a Spry navigation menu. In Lesson 10, they will learn to use Dreamweaver behaviors to create an image rollover effect and insert a Spry Accordion widget.
Materials – Adobe Dreamweaver and the Internet
Evaluation – Adobe Dreamweaver Lesson 9 and Lesson 10 Projects